Please don't jump to conclusions before clicking away... This is a serious question.
Do you or someone you know have someone in their household between the ages of 19-25 that were doing well with holding down a job, paying bills, active life etc like interested in video games, bowling anything..... Then one day, within the last year or so, became more or less manic depressive? Unable to get out of their own head? Constantly talking about themselves and ghostly pains. Not able to work, gets paranoid of old past times like gaming etc and purely focused on their "pains" with no interest or capability to even think like a normal person anymore?
Is this happening allot out there but as most families would do, just deal with it? Obviously if your still reading I could admit this has affected by family, BUT ALSO in my Career. All early 20s kids are fucked up. I'm just wondering if there's an underlying reason for NOT being able to find employees that could be tied to a possible Nationwide issue regarding our next generation of adults.
Input needed, direction requested. Probably wrong sub but honestly I'm here more than anywhere else.
Anybody else have anyone in their circle that has a young adult suddenly have mental issues? Is this happening to everyone else and nobody is putting this together yet?
Honest HELP Needed. And in my case I'm talking about a non poked person. No jabby.
Thanks for taking the time....
Carry On!!!
That's been discussed with my small group. We did a WiFi deletion also. Basically kicked WiFi out of the house.
Smart phone use is a tricky nugget. Kind of hard to tell an unstable person what to do.... None of the ones I know have ever been violent. All have complaints of losing who they are, feeling that internal struggle is every minute every day.
Thanks for input.
You know damn well getting rid of lead paint had nothing to do with safety
Some will get what I mean by that.
If you think that paint containing lead oxide has significant EMF screening properties, I'm doubtful about that. Zinc particle paint has, but lead oxide?
Thanks for the input. I'm a staunch believer of lead paint being deleted NOT because of kids eating the chips but because it interferes with the new generation of smart phone technologies. I get around in my day to day activities. Some buildings have an inate ability to cause my phone to go full retard. No signal at all. Go outside, boom full bars. Always seemingly older buildings as the newer construction always seems to allow for internal phone use. But I digress, this is simply observation and not scientific.
I'm going to dig into this topic.