Just saying "common law" seems too British. We should be under American Constitutional Law. The very first thing that should be established is is there a victim. Victimless crimes, by and large, have the government as the victim. With that, anything can become a crime, and the government can be the perpetual victim.
...it isn't that the evidence is lacking...
...it is the courage of the judges which is in question....
When you have God and know where you are going, fear disappeared and you can live life with freedom and happiness.
...absolute ironclad truth....
For a brain dead, not bad. LOL
...self effacing humor is an indicator of high intelligence...
Is it the courage of the judges that is in question, or their integrity? (Or both?)
"Judges" are British nobles and have no authority in America.
Judges have no place in our law system which is SUPPOSED TO BE common law--except for being someone who keeps the case moving along.
Just saying "common law" seems too British. We should be under American Constitutional Law. The very first thing that should be established is is there a victim. Victimless crimes, by and large, have the government as the victim. With that, anything can become a crime, and the government can be the perpetual victim.
...the two go hand in hand....