posted ago by QDay ago by QDay +29 / -2

War game the scenarios:

  1. Deep state charges Trump - denies him and his supporters any ability to have the voice of the people in office again...

  2. Steal another election from Trump (e.g. 2024+)

  3. Military takeover and arrest of the swamp

Those are the options outside of Brunson. In the above scenario's each of them are going to be met with extreme resistance. We know the elections are rigged. Any 2024+ election will not be taken as easily as the previous. We are all watching and unless the Military wants a full blown civil war that option is not going to fly. I see the same scenario with charging Trump - the people will not stand for their voice to be bombarded with BS charges while officials who are 100000x more guilty are the ones pulling that lever ... again, civil war. And the military?

With each event that is happening you have to conclude there is a reason for it. We have been told and shown over and over again that our military is woke and broke. These events are on purpose. Following that, what did we see with the Supreme Court and their events? We saw them overturn the most controversial legislation in history (Roe V Wade). That event was leaked and pre-gamed to provide additional security as well as prepare SCOTUS for the scenario that would be coming.

The most logical path to draining the swamp and the one that will prevent civil war has to be Bruson. The other options will not stand - If the Military takes over that will immediately be met with folks calling our country a failed marxist takeover / coup - it is not plausible.

SCOTUS has to be the way - the rule of law is their arena and what option exists outside of this? I am sure the Military will have a hand in any uprisings that may occur afterward but they cannot drain the swamp when their Commander in Chief by the fake book is Joe Biden... until he is not.