On Sundays many of us go to church, spend time with family and relax in the spirit. However the week rolls around and we are back at the grind, working, letting the weight of the world bring us down. Lets change that. Lets proclaim the name of Christ every day all day. So who will join me on this fine Wednesday morning, in proclaiming Jesus Christ King. Shout these words from rooftops and let the whole world know who Christ is to you. Type out in the comments who Christ is to you.
Shout it from the rooftop. JESUS CHRIST IS KING
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.
And that is why it doesn't matter whether it is Monday or Wednesday!
"This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice in it and be glad."
King of kings and Lord of lords...He alone is worthy to receive receive all glory and honor and praise forever...AMEN...
Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Christ alone! Cornerstone!
Yay for Jesus. He is the one thing that keeps me going all the time. Even on my worst of days, Jesus is there to lift me up. I am grateful!
Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ is King 🙏🏻❤️❤️
Jesus Christ is the son of God and the son of man. He paid for our sins on the cross and the only wway to the father is through him. He is the savior and the light of the world. I can do all things through Christ! It is written.
Chalk above your front door this Epiphany! This year it is
20 + C M B + 23
The chalking of the doors at Epiphany is a venerable Catholic tradition rooted in the Passover. In Exodus, the Israelites marked their doors with blood so that the Lord would pass over their homes. In Deuteronomy 6:9 God tells the people of Israel:
In a similar way, we mark our doors with blessed chalk as a sign that we have invited God’s presence and blessing into our homes. We are placing ourselves under God's protection and asking Divine favor. We ask heavenly protection of Almighty God by the intercession of the three kings.
Chalking the doors involves marking the door of the home with the numbers of the current year with the letters C M B. This recalls the traditional names for the three kings: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. Some also suggest that it stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, which means, “May Christ bless this dwelling!” The crosses placed between the numbers and letters recall the power of Christ's all-perfect sacrifice on Calvary and reminds us we are protected by the Precious Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God.
Our true citizenship and the only kingdom I recognize.
Amen! Thanks and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His love, mercy, grace, and the gift of salvation!