I have no idea what's taking you to a landing page. Its on GAW, I got the gif from Giphy.com searching for green frogs. They have literally thousands of gifs maybe millions.
Based on edit: "A site with a bazillion Gifs is where its from."
I would recommend deleting then. Read my quick 5 minute analysis up above that indicates that it's not a legit attempt at anything other than a honeypot.
edit: In case it wasn't clear - this is in regards to the link DIA.WIKI that is in the gif itself.
Its a picture on this site, just scroll the f down. No landing page req. A site with a bazillion Gifs is where its from.
land·ing page noun the section of a website accessed by clicking a hyperlink on another web page, typically the website's home page.
I have no idea what's taking you to a landing page. Its on GAW, I got the gif from Giphy.com searching for green frogs. They have literally thousands of gifs maybe millions.
Based on edit: "A site with a bazillion Gifs is where its from."
I would recommend deleting then. Read my quick 5 minute analysis up above that indicates that it's not a legit attempt at anything other than a honeypot.
edit: In case it wasn't clear - this is in regards to the link DIA.WIKI that is in the gif itself.
Oh? I see... I didn't go to that and should have cropped it out. Will be more careful.