I know people sick with 'covid' and other illnesses now than when it first broke out, so they are getting their way with getting people sick. I suspect most of the people I'm thinking of took the vaxx... another win for them. But, I do believe these people are beginning to wake up and will not comply (if they even live through it)... better late than never I suppose, but its said to watch and I feel like this is just so surreal seeing it all play out like it is.
I know people sick with 'covid' and other illnesses now than when it first broke out, so they are getting their way with getting people sick. I suspect most of the people I'm thinking of took the vaxx... another win for them. But, I do believe these people are beginning to wake up and will not comply (if they even live through it)... better late than never I suppose, but its said to watch and I feel like this is just so surreal seeing it all play out like it is.