Cates is right. We don't need the MSM to do jack $#+. And Rolling Stone today only showed us how delusional the ineffectual media is to believe that they can protect thier narrative by ridiculing us. It's clearly not working. The dam is bursting, and there's nothing they can do about it!

Also one more thing.
They want division for blaming purposes as well:
They don’t want you to focus on blaming them.
They need you to blame each other.
If you study people.
A lot of political context isn’t designed to solve any problem.
A lot of what people talk about is who can they blame!
The Cabal wants you to say.
It’s the whites
It’s the blacks
It’s the Jews
It’s the rich .
The division is designed to confuse us into not figuring out who is really destroying our lives:
The Cabal uses a lot of decoys.