So, what you are basically claiming/saying is, stop with the argument over who has been spreading disinformation, it has been everyone and that we all need to look outside the known box and see the bigger picture? I can see that, we all are told every winter is cold and flu season since we were young, just as a basic example so we basically automatically assume things based on that when in reality even the "cold and flu season" has always been a fear creating lie to be sure people get "ill" so they can cure it.. does not explain small children getting ill though DOES explain why most small children are not affected by this covid fear illness.
If what you are on about turns out true, the significance of it goes deep and wide the more you think on what could possibly have always been pure BS that we just took as fact. Will see, will see.
Both sides "get it wrong when attacking the other" and have misinformation (most likely planted misinformation on purpose from the ones in charge) but, you are correct, one side has Disinformation put there on purpose by the same ones who keep seeding and mudding the waters on both sides. WOKE has got to GO.
So, what you are basically claiming/saying is, stop with the argument over who has been spreading disinformation, it has been everyone and that we all need to look outside the known box and see the bigger picture? I can see that, we all are told every winter is cold and flu season since we were young, just as a basic example so we basically automatically assume things based on that when in reality even the "cold and flu season" has always been a fear creating lie to be sure people get "ill" so they can cure it.. does not explain small children getting ill though DOES explain why most small children are not affected by this covid fear illness. If what you are on about turns out true, the significance of it goes deep and wide the more you think on what could possibly have always been pure BS that we just took as fact. Will see, will see.
Only one side spreads disinfo.
Both sides "get it wrong when attacking the other" and have misinformation (most likely planted misinformation on purpose from the ones in charge) but, you are correct, one side has Disinformation put there on purpose by the same ones who keep seeding and mudding the waters on both sides. WOKE has got to GO.