OK. So what does happen regarding the 511-280 ballots that were once counted for Hamadeh's opponent? Did the total number of ballots change in the recount? If so, why?
Hamedeh gained votes to close the gap from 511 to 280. This was due to many irregularities in Pinal County, which is not as corrupt but still had a big personnel turnover recently, so who knows. As far as I know he only gets one recount.
OK. So what does happen regarding the 511-280 ballots that were once counted for Hamadeh's opponent? Did the total number of ballots change in the recount? If so, why?
What about other counties?
And what was certified?
Hamedeh gained votes to close the gap from 511 to 280. This was due to many irregularities in Pinal County, which is not as corrupt but still had a big personnel turnover recently, so who knows. As far as I know he only gets one recount.