Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
You are an idiot... to be very blunt.. You cant seperate people from the religion.
Islam imposes an authoritarian approach to is people trough government control.
Yes the teaching of Islam are not representative of the true GOD.
What I am saying is that there are good muslims that dont follow islam teaching to the dot. Because they themselves denounce what is written in the Quran.. But they are not vocal about it because it can bring death to their life.
Stop talking like a spoil brat from a privilege position. You talking mad shit here right now...
You definitely don't know what Muslims go trough in their oppressed nations.
No one is righteous , let me repeat that again. NO ONE!
Indoctrination is a real thing & tribalism/Culture as well..
Here in the US people believed covid is real & supported for government control. We can agree its a despicable thing. But in the fog of war people are very gullible & will follow the herd.
The herd here in US is wokeism & the herd in Muslim Nations is Islam. There is no diffeence.
Is mental slavery.. Once you wake up then you realize the lies that surrounds us differently.
So before you go & reply back with utter nonsense. Re-asses the situation & learn to have humility towards people that are still controlled by the matrix.
Not every sheeple is a bad person.. they are just blind .
Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
You are an idiot... to be very blunt.. You cant seperate people from the religion.
Islam imposes an authoritarian approach to is people trough government control.
Yes the teaching of Islam are not representative of the true GOD.
What I am saying is that there are good muslims that dont follow islam teaching to the dot. Because they themselves denounce what is written in the Quran.. But they are not vocal about it because it can bring death to their life.
Stop talking like a spoil brat from a privilege position. You talking mad shit here right now...
You definitely don't know what Muslims go trough in their oppressed nations.
No one is righteous , let me repeat that again. NO ONE!
Indoctrination is a real thing & tribalism/Culture as well..
Here in the US people believed covid is real & supported for government control. We can agree its a despicable thing. But in the fog of war people are very gullible & will follow the herd.
The herd here in US is wokeism & the herd in Muslim Nations is Islam. There is no diffeence.
Is mental slavery.. Once you wake up then you realize the lies that surrounds us differently.
So before you go & reply back with utter nonsense. Re-asses the situation & learn to have humility towards people that are still controlled by the matrix.
Not every sheeple is a bad person.. they are just blind .