He called christian wimps because Christians have allowed their surrounding to insult Jesus.. Hence making Jesus a wimp.. when in reality Jesus is not a wimp . He is King & Lord & our saviour. But people whom called themselves christians many have fallen into apostay teaching & not wanting to be perceived confrontational.
That's is his perspective & reason for converting into islam.
Islamics nations dont have any woke nonsense prevailing.
Go find the numbers on that. Current 2022 numbers. The pedos in the church have been handled. Your kid is more likely to be molested in a public school by a teacher than by a Catholic priest.
Islam makes child rape a lifestyle. Oh animals too.
Evil hides in all false prophets, churches, schools, medical facilities, law enforcement our governments and even our own homes. It is not just one organization but most. Evil has nfiltrated every aspect of our society.
Dark to light.
Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
Catholics pray to Mary and dead Saints and to angels and confess to priests rather than going directly to God. They also believe Jesus descended into hell for three days after his crucifixion when the Bible specifically says he went to preach to the lost. They believe that if they pray for a dead person that they can save a lost soul. Those things are not Biblical. I was raised Baptist and I have issues there too. Why do they avoid discussing and condemning some sins? Why not preach about prophecy, end times, fruits of the Spirit, miracles, Spiritual gifts etc;
My grown kids who have all accepted Jesus as their Saviour decide to go the route of Messianic Jews because they saw many parts of the Bible being overlooked by so many different denominations. They believe Jesus is messiah and will return but take things to a legalistic degree in my opinion.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with my Catholic mother in law and gone to their church for funerals and Christmas service when we are visiting and watched them do all of this. And what is all the ritualistic stuff about and the rosary? I have heard them ask Mary and the saints and the angels to pray for them.
Ps. Have you ever read John 3:16?
Those who have not chosen Jesus before death have sealed their own fate by not believing. No amount if praying for a dead person can change that.
Catholics do not worship Blessed Virgin Mary nor any saints. Saints are holy people who have made it to heaven, they aren’t dead. God is of the living not the dead.
Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone ever asked you to pray for them? Why do we pray for one another at all when we could just go directly to God?
How did Jesus come to us on Earth? Quite literally -through- Mary. Catholics asked for intercessions through Mary just as the people did at the wedding fest in Canna. Jesus so loved His mother He would honor and grant anything she asked.
Praying for souls, confessions and praying to saints is in fact biblical. The Catholic Church gave the modern world the Bible and the New Testament. It is since the Protestant reformation that many books were taken out of the original
The Bible describes Saints as those who alive in Christ Jesus. The Catholic Saints (have died) Christopher, Theresa, Augustine, Jude etc; Mary is also dead. Their bodies are in preservation. Actual Holy men like Elijah were swept uo as Jesus was and their bodies were not left here to see decay.
I believe that the books in the Holy Bible are all canonized (divinely inspired) where the other books (historically accurate) are not divinely inspired. I learned this via an old pastor of mine who preached non denomination yet he is Jewish and a historian of Israel.
Those I ask for prayer are alive.
You’re saying “Christian” God but I’m hearing the One and Only Living God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Great I Am. He is not merely a Christian god.
He is the one and only TRUE, Holy God yet many names and attributes describe Him. I have a list of those tucked in my Bible as well as the many things Jesus is referred to as in the Bible.
I can share, but will have to make a separate post as I cannot figure out how to attach photos to a post.
The Islam god isn’t the Christian God.
He recently called Jesus a wimp and converted to Islam (a false-god counterfeit religion).
He called christian wimps because Christians have allowed their surrounding to insult Jesus.. Hence making Jesus a wimp.. when in reality Jesus is not a wimp . He is King & Lord & our saviour. But people whom called themselves christians many have fallen into apostay teaching & not wanting to be perceived confrontational.
That's is his perspective & reason for converting into islam.
Islamics nations dont have any woke nonsense prevailing.
Just commenting for context.
Go find the numbers on that. Current 2022 numbers. The pedos in the church have been handled. Your kid is more likely to be molested in a public school by a teacher than by a Catholic priest.
Islam makes child rape a lifestyle. Oh animals too.
Really? ever heard of man love Thursday?
Evil hides in all false prophets, churches, schools, medical facilities, law enforcement our governments and even our own homes. It is not just one organization but most. Evil has nfiltrated every aspect of our society.
Dark to light.
Mmmm.. Lets be clear.. Islam teaching vs Muslims are two different things. There are millions of muslims just because they were born in the country that institutionlized Islam. Not all Muslims follow wholeheartedly Islam.
Im a christian & I recognize those facts.. So lets be careful generalizing.
I always thought praying toward a rock was a bit odd…. Rock from space or god apparently… then they worship the rock… because Mohammed touched it?
Catholics pray to Mary and dead Saints and to angels and confess to priests rather than going directly to God. They also believe Jesus descended into hell for three days after his crucifixion when the Bible specifically says he went to preach to the lost. They believe that if they pray for a dead person that they can save a lost soul. Those things are not Biblical. I was raised Baptist and I have issues there too. Why do they avoid discussing and condemning some sins? Why not preach about prophecy, end times, fruits of the Spirit, miracles, Spiritual gifts etc; My grown kids who have all accepted Jesus as their Saviour decide to go the route of Messianic Jews because they saw many parts of the Bible being overlooked by so many different denominations. They believe Jesus is messiah and will return but take things to a legalistic degree in my opinion.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with my Catholic mother in law and gone to their church for funerals and Christmas service when we are visiting and watched them do all of this. And what is all the ritualistic stuff about and the rosary? I have heard them ask Mary and the saints and the angels to pray for them.
Ps. Have you ever read John 3:16?
Those who have not chosen Jesus before death have sealed their own fate by not believing. No amount if praying for a dead person can change that.
Catholics do not worship Blessed Virgin Mary nor any saints. Saints are holy people who have made it to heaven, they aren’t dead. God is of the living not the dead.
Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you? Has anyone ever asked you to pray for them? Why do we pray for one another at all when we could just go directly to God?
How did Jesus come to us on Earth? Quite literally -through- Mary. Catholics asked for intercessions through Mary just as the people did at the wedding fest in Canna. Jesus so loved His mother He would honor and grant anything she asked.
Praying for souls, confessions and praying to saints is in fact biblical. The Catholic Church gave the modern world the Bible and the New Testament. It is since the Protestant reformation that many books were taken out of the original
The Bible describes Saints as those who alive in Christ Jesus. The Catholic Saints (have died) Christopher, Theresa, Augustine, Jude etc; Mary is also dead. Their bodies are in preservation. Actual Holy men like Elijah were swept uo as Jesus was and their bodies were not left here to see decay. I believe that the books in the Holy Bible are all canonized (divinely inspired) where the other books (historically accurate) are not divinely inspired. I learned this via an old pastor of mine who preached non denomination yet he is Jewish and a historian of Israel. Those I ask for prayer are alive.
If he mocked Christ he already is finished.
You’re saying “Christian” God but I’m hearing the One and Only Living God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Great I Am. He is not merely a Christian god.
He is the one and only TRUE, Holy God yet many names and attributes describe Him. I have a list of those tucked in my Bible as well as the many things Jesus is referred to as in the Bible. I can share, but will have to make a separate post as I cannot figure out how to attach photos to a post.
My favorites are Lord of Heavens Armies and King of the Universe.
Alpha and Omega, The Great I Am
He is the Father of Christ. He is the Christian God.