I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!
Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!
Research the science of mind. Our DNA is literally the code of God. As we are lesser, finite beings, we only manifest a small part of God.
God is Infinite. God is All. God is I AM. We are a small part of that. We are created in his image. Divine on the inside, earthly on the outside. We live to glorify God.
That is what is in our DNA. 2 coding strands and 10 junk strands of DNA. Wanna know how to get the other 10 strands to do anything?
I'm learning all of this myself, but I've noticed that it is greatly helping my outlook on life. And it is best to teach others when you recently learn something yourself. Spread the good news of Christ and the good news of our divine origin and our potentiality as children of the GREAT I AM.
Any good references for this ?
Ernest Holmes. I guess he was a mystic from the early 20th century. He wrote The Science of Mind.
I have to give that a read!