Now this is just wrong! Wrong on so many levels and being made public how F-ing Wrong This Is!! But here we go! China is having a mass Corona Virus surge, besides what ever else has been released, and of course all countries except the US… so far, are suddenly relaxing their Covid airline rules! I mean how the F do you openly do this unless you’re wanting to openly take the blame for killing people world wide?!? Isn’t that called murder or genocide? Doesn’t the Geneva Convention cover this or it’s against International laws? We have no control or way to know who is sick, transferred from where, or where they’re going. All we know is China is happily letting the Cabal plan go forward!
We know the answer to the above questions Anons. It’s yes to each of course. But what’s even more troubling is how do we stop it…if it’s already openly in process? An open act of war? I’m just beside myself on what to do at this point. We are but just a few voices compared to what ever they’re sending out that will harm thousands, most likely millions. So I’m just pissed but don’t even know what to do. It’s that hostile but powerless anger! Powerless alone just sucks!
God please give us strength and spare all you can from these evil evil people. Don’t let us be sacrificed for their satanic pleasure. Somehow, stop them. In Jesus name I ask this, amen.
Also discussed on Inspired Tribe, regarding Bill-Melinda Gates Foundation/WEF’s recent “Pandemic Exercise
If you’re honestly worried about it, the best thing is to keep yourself HEALTHY. Go for some exercise daily, take these things every day: ViaminD, zinc, quercetin. No smoking no alcohol, lots of water, sunlight
I’m sure there’s more but you get the idea. Make it so that if the virus encounters you then you are strong enough to fight it off.