posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +73 / -0


Namely, form immune complexes and bind receptors on cells for removal of unwanted cells. So those three ways: the ADCC, ADCP and CDC - that aid in removal of unwanted cells are all nullified in the scenario where IgG4 is prevalent. Worse than that, since the subclass switch is literally the by-product of continuous antigen stimulation, then this is an immunological endorsement of a ‘win’ for IgG4 if we consider competition for binding sites. In effect, IgG4 outcompetes IgG1 and thus, the scales tip from tumor suppression, to tumor progression. All because of IgG4.

Now I don’t want to scare everyone, but persistent re-injection of a messenger RNA that encodes a foreign, highly immunogenic protein, is NOT a good idea in this context. This is precisely continuous antigen stimulation by spike protein. Not only that, since we know that both the mRNA and the spike protein are long-lasting in the body, you mightn’t even have to re-inject yourself repeatedly qualify as undergoing continuous antigen stimulation. In fact, I would bet that this would be a given. Furthermore, I would bet that due to this continuous antigen stimulation, the IgG1:IgG4 subclass ratio is inverted in people who are persistently making spike, and that these people would be subject to cancer promotion, rather than suppression.

My take home message: This is why people are experiencing relapses of cancers previously in remission and this is why new and rare cancers are appearing as well. (Bold in original)