💥 Elon posted The Matrix 😎
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This is akin to asking why an artist cares what color the sky in his painting is. He cares in that he made a choice to make it that way. God may have created a clockwork universe that defined the shape, or he could have said I wanted planets to be round because people can circumnavigate them easier than if it was a cube.. we don't know. But we shouldn't assume he doesn't care how he made His creation. He cares about all of His creation. The birds, the ants, everything.
I worded it badly, just that line like that, you are indeed right.
Here's are my thoughts: God could have made the Earth flat, spherical, cubic, or whatever shape, and still make the universe works exactly how He wants. He chose a specific shape, and that's it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just a result of all the other laws of the universe He wanted to have and He was fine with it, but there's no point in caring so much about this on our side. This shape, to us, is completely insignificant. Will your life change that much if tomorrow, you learn it's actually flat? Or Cubic? No, nothing will change.
Yep, he could tweak the code to do whatever he wanted, if it was important to Him. Or he could just let it work itself out as a product of his design.