💥 Elon posted The Matrix 😎
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We need to return to a nationwide curriculum that teaches critical thought. Our society is inherently dumber for having lowered the bar too many times and having the focus shift to things like common core style "2+2 doesn't always = 4" and "obey your authorities and what you learn in school".
Also, you should never be cancelled for asking questions during school. You should never be cancelled for asking a politically "incorrect" question about your professor. Your grade should not be reduced; it should in fact be raised due to a willingness to inquire further and seek greater answers.
That's what academia used to be. You used to want to ask questions, to seek answers, to find new information and learn new ways to do something, understand others' beliefs, step into their shoes and understand what they're thinking even if you don't think the same way or agree with them.
The thirst for knowledge should be rewarded, and if you can come up with a convincing argument -- even if it doesn't ultimately change minds -- you should be rewarded for that too.