Been here for 6 years. Tired of pussy faggots like you who are ok with letting our country turn to shit while children die from poison that 45 backed up.
I have this shirt. Go to Warrior Twelve's website to order one. They make some great gear and it fits well, too. Plus side, Made In America, baby, yeah!!!!
You must be new here.
Probably old because you screen shot your phone on some cringe shit. Ooooooh we got a Billy Badass here gaslighting people.
The types that actually get shit done don't sport shit like this.
Tired of it already. You ain't gonna do shit and you know it. Pick up a book and start farming, it's gonna be a while champ.
Been here for 6 years. Tired of pussy faggots like you who are ok with letting our country turn to shit while children die from poison that 45 backed up.
I have this shirt. Go to Warrior Twelve's website to order one. They make some great gear and it fits well, too. Plus side, Made In America, baby, yeah!!!!