We are learning that this war has been going on for a long time. Some parts of this war between good and evil seems to have heated up in the 80's.
The Georgia guidestones (recently destroyed) were built in 1980. Several of the disclosure comics are from the late 80's (V for Vendetta, Sandman, etc.) which coincided with George Bush becoming President after Reagan. Bush was an evil dude (Bush family helped to fund the Nazis in the 30's, plus the whole Skill and Bones secret society thing). The Bush family is part of the DS/cabal.
We need to keep in mind that this war was being fought long before President Trump became involved more recently, and also that it is being fought world wide... the US is only one part of it.
One of the interesting aspects of these decodes is all the links between the disclosure comics from the late 80's to ConPlan 8888 in 2011, the Law of War manual updated in 2016, and our current events in this ongoing war.
I am still left wondering how it is possible to set up all of the "future proves past" links that we see in the decodes of the Q drops...
We are learning that this war has been going on for a long time. Some parts of this war between good and evil seems to have heated up in the 80's.
The Georgia guidestones (recently destroyed) were built in 1980. Several of the disclosure comics are from the late 80's (V for Vendetta, Sandman, etc.) which coincided with George Bush becoming President after Reagan. Bush was an evil dude (Bush family helped to fund the Nazis in the 30's, plus the whole Skill and Bones secret society thing). The Bush family is part of the DS/cabal.
We need to keep in mind that this war was being fought long before President Trump became involved more recently, and also that it is being fought world wide... the US is only one part of it.
One of the interesting aspects of these decodes is all the links between the disclosure comics from the late 80's to ConPlan 8888 in 2011, the Law of War manual updated in 2016, and our current events in this ongoing war.
I am still left wondering how it is possible to set up all of the "future proves past" links that we see in the decodes of the Q drops...