All we know is that the vax card had eight blank spots on it like a Subway loyalty card and normies still called us conspiracy theorists when we predicted boosters. They probably don't expect anyone to live long enough to fill the entire card.
I just heard there's a document going around that breaks down the number of doses bought per country divided by population.. canada bought 9.5 doses per, britain 8 i think. . If i see it pop up again i will link you.
Hearing about? Heck, I TOLD THEM. I said, look at the card they gave you- how many spaces are there? WHY? They're going to make you take that many shots, watch and see.
Just promise that when they come back to you to take more, hold off. Just wait. There will be more rounds.
I really hope that some of the (non-fren) people I told listened. I only heard back from one that did, so there's that.
All we know is that the vax card had eight blank spots on it like a Subway loyalty card and normies still called us conspiracy theorists when we predicted boosters. They probably don't expect anyone to live long enough to fill the entire card.
Gah...So contrived! Every phase was planned.
I could find an old fb post of mine showing this to be the case in canada, and post it here if needed.
On the Alberta health website for the vax pass it had embedded in the code, allowances for 8 shots. Basically planning for 8, imho.
I just heard there's a document going around that breaks down the number of doses bought per country divided by population.. canada bought 9.5 doses per, britain 8 i think. . If i see it pop up again i will link you.
Hearing about? Heck, I TOLD THEM. I said, look at the card they gave you- how many spaces are there? WHY? They're going to make you take that many shots, watch and see.
Just promise that when they come back to you to take more, hold off. Just wait. There will be more rounds.
I really hope that some of the (non-fren) people I told listened. I only heard back from one that did, so there's that.
I heard you'd need a booster every six months, for eternity.
I bet only the first ones would be free.
Then they make you pay.
Yes, I remember seeing a vax card with at least 6 spaces, and it was on this site.