Hey guys, just wanted to share a real life acount. While anecdotal im sure, I woke up Friday morning with a full on winter cold. Dry scratchy throat and nose, dark brown mucus and runny nose. Popped 24mg of Ivermectin, a zelenko protocol of Quercetin and bam! This morning i have effectively knocked out a cold that in years passed has taken 3 to 4 days to clear on its own. Im pretty happy with the results. By the way, my wife and baby that have had this cold for 4 days now, (and gave it to me) are still down with it.
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I wonder if ivm would work for tonsillitis too. Been sick all week, taking mega doses of zinc and vitamin D, but nothing has worked so far.
Try zinc/quercetin, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Zinc works best with a carrier like one of these three. They get the zinc to where it can do its work. Combo is key
This. Since quercetin is easier to get I use it with a Costco "Super C" vitamin. The vitamin has C, D, and zinc. If I feel something coming on I take quercetin and one of these vitamins. 12 hours later if I don't feel better I take ivermectin and another vitamin.
Other than the time I got a sinus infection (normal because of chronic sinusitis) this method has killed off the last 3 illnesses in one day over the last 2 years.
Y’all are awesome! Thank you! Glad that I stocked up on Quercetin a couple months ago.
I actually just take zinc with a shot of tonic water for the Quercetin . When there’s illness going around I double up on the amount & add 2 vitamin D - so far so good… been exposed to 2 rounds of flu in the last month and have not gotten sick!
Just be careful with the quercetin if you have a thyroid issue. My daughter and I started on the quercetin, but within a few days, my daughter felt like crap with full blown hypothyroid symptoms that are managed with meds. I didn't notice a difference, but when my TSH was tested a few months later, it had climbed a couple of points which is a lot. I got my doc to Rx a higher dose of my med (didn't tell her I knew why it had jumped ... she's a jab nazi), but after another 6 months, it only came down about half a point. So I discontinued the quercetin which is very frustrating to say the least, because it's what works with the zinc to make it effective.
Very good to know, thanks Fren.
Interesting, I’m hypothyroid too, but optimized it with meds. Yesterday I added Quercetin to zinc and took it every few hours and by evening I started feeling human again. So far no hypothyroid symptoms, but I’m only on my second day with Quercetin. Will definitely keep an eye on it.