As soon as DeSantis seemed to receive praise or acknowledgement from "the dark side", people started questioning him in foolish ways. For instance, the fact that he had Israelis come to Fla about the building collapse. Israelis owned the building. Who else was he supposed to discuss it with? And property he does or did own had some mention in a trafficking article, as though he is supposed to personally poilce a large property of land his very own personal self. Is DeSantis going to do one hundred righteous deeds as governor of Florida, then the minute the cabal wants to have him be president, flip flop into satanic mode? I don't know. I suppose it is possible. I have been burned enough about who I trust, I have learned my lesson. There is one remaining person I do trust the intentions of, and it is DJT. And I am pretty sure about Jim Jordan. And Frank. And Ben Carson. That is about it.
As soon as DeSantis seemed to receive praise or acknowledgement from "the dark side", people started questioning him in foolish ways. For instance, the fact that he had Israelis come to Fla about the building collapse. Israelis owned the building. Who else was he supposed to discuss it with? And property he does or did own had some mention in a trafficking article, as though he is supposed to personally poilce a large property of land his very own personal self. Is DeSantis going to do one hundred righteous deeds as governor of Florida, then the minute the cabal wants to have him be president, flip flop into satanic mode? I don't know. I suppose it is possible. I have been burned enough about who I trust, I have learned my lesson. There is one remaining person I do trust the intentions of, and it is DJT. And I am pretty sure about Jim Jordan. And Frank. And Ben Carson. That is about it.
Heh, I want to know who Frank is too!
One thing, though.
"Israelis owned the building. Who else was he supposed to discuss it with?"
The Israeli Defense Forces? That's a little overkill for a concerned property owner, don't you think?
I have no idea anymore, what is too preposterous and what is not.