I think the punishment should fit the crime. I also think minors are US citizens and have protection under the Constitution from unreasonable search and seizure.
(2) "Strip search" means an inspection of the genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments of a person that is preceded by the removal or rearrangement of some or all of the person's clothing that directly covers the person's genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments and that is conducted visually, manually, by ...
And absolutely yes: if you think it through and you still think hitting a vape in high school is grounds for being stripped down to your undergarments by the nurses aide then you are very much part of the problem. If you would allow that to be done to a teenage girl in school then I have to wonder what would you do to a prisoner.
You are directly contradicting a plain fact I quoted from the actual law so I don't know how that is not an argument! My apologies for not providing the proper link. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(eiujvfag2skynw1jt0v2dof0))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-764-25a
I think the punishment should fit the crime. I also think minors are US citizens and have protection under the Constitution from unreasonable search and seizure.
Law in Ohio where she is from.
(2) "Strip search" means an inspection of the genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments of a person that is preceded by the removal or rearrangement of some or all of the person's clothing that directly covers the person's genitalia, buttocks, breasts, or undergarments and that is conducted visually, manually, by ...
Section 2933.32 | Body cavity search, strip search - Ohio Laws https://codes.ohio.gov › ohio-revised-code › section-2933
And absolutely yes: if you think it through and you still think hitting a vape in high school is grounds for being stripped down to your undergarments by the nurses aide then you are very much part of the problem. If you would allow that to be done to a teenage girl in school then I have to wonder what would you do to a prisoner.