Trump and Epstein. Watch.
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He infiltrated their lair. They thought he was one of them but no. I read DJT studied the ways of the Illuminati flor years and know everything about them.
I believe this statement. He most likely did study the Illuminati.
Actually, Burrow Channel is a ROKU channel, that is free, that was first activated on 12/5/2022, and has videos that are meant to red pill people. You can search by many topics - Disney, Kennedy, CIA, 911, Pizzagate, Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, CIA, Pedogate and so many more. I have just started going through it with someone who believes there is corruption and is open to learning more. Let me tell you, this has sparked more questions for them and wanting to learn more. If you have it available, I would suggest checking it out.
Too bad its located behind a paywall.
Great channel.