I wanted to reach out to see if any of the people on this board have any good information regarding Hashimoto's Disease. My Fiancé has just been diagnosed with it and we are both scrambling to gather information about it. We are both fairly healthy eaters and make most of our meals at home. Neither of us really bother with fast food, and mostly stay away from processed foods. Getting the jabs wasn't even an option for either of us and honestly my fiancé really doesn't partake in Western medicine for the most part.
We did find a great nurse practitioner that is in line with the Frontline Doctors that has been very helpful in helping us determine what might be causing these ailments. I am looking for any information that is helpful towards diet and lifestyle changes that might curb or reverse the effects of this disease. My fiance has been very lethargic lately (which is not normal for her), felt very weak (muscular) and had achy joints. She has taken a couple of blood tests, which have pointed us towards Hashimoto's, but I do think that there are other tests that might make sense to assure we aren't dealing with a mis-diagnosis. My fiance has noticed that she feels better when she cuts dairy products out of her diet, and sadly has noticed worse symptoms when the stress of her job is greater.
Any information that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as well as thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate this community greatly and how there are so many people that are willing to offer up education that they have on subjects or links they have that are helpful to other people.
Honestly, I consider this group of people to be more of my family and friends than those individuals I have grown up with and who don't currently see the world through a critical perspective in both social and political views.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for help. She is my world and all that I ask for in life is for her to be healthy and happy.
I avoid high gluten and a lot of dairy in my diet and I have seen improvement in my overall health. Too much dairy and histamines in my diet can trigger a hives outbreak all over me and severe sinus congestion. So what I do is make sure to have enough fiber in my diet and to space out meals that have histamine and gluten. I try to avoid also meals past six or seven oclock which gives my body time to process it all. Because of my health situation I have to limit caffeine consumption as well.
if I have to eat gluten I make sure to have fiber intake alongside and protein so I don't rely too much on gluten to provide energy and it doesn't trigger a hives outbreak. A lot of Greek and Italian dishes rely on heavy fiber and fish (and other proteins) to go along with pasta as an example. My family is from the Mediterranean so following a diet from there fits naturally like a glove to me.
Ironically I was watching Yogi Cameron on a health related channel years ago. And he advised those with severe sinus, lethargy or hives outbreaks to cut back or cut out dairy. That is how I started on my journey and he also advised that raw or organic milk is your go to when you do have dairy in your diet.
Eastern medicine is far ahead western medicine when it comes to diet and how different body types respond to certain diets. But I suspect the western world like the Greco-Roman civilization were aware of this as well. It is simply knowledge lost to time from a western medicine perspective while that tradition held strong in eastern medicine.
If my fiance had to give up caffeine it would be the end of the world as she knows it.
Her family also is from the Med.
thanks for your input.