I want reparations from the real racists within the black community for over 50 years of violent riots, hate crime hoaxes, race baiters, woke cancellations, oppressive CRT indoctrination, white culture appropriation, affirmative action, gang violence, crippling citizens right to live in a civil society by advocating to defund police, black violence in public schools & communities, and the black community’s affinity for communism.
I want reparations from the real racists within the black community for over 50 years of violent riots, hate crime hoaxes, race baiters, woke cancellations, oppressive CRT indoctrination, white culture appropriation, affirmative action, gang violence, crippling citizens right to live in a civil society by advocating to defund police, black violence in public schools & communities, and the black community’s affinity for communism.