This was their mistake. For me it signaled that they NEEDED you to take the shot. NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING IS FREE. This was my signal to nope right out. At work they were giving 40hrs one whole week of vacation time to anyone that got the shot. They also allowed the peasants to remove their face diapers. They restricted movement between buildings. For a year and a half we we forbidden from going physically to Engineering??? Guess what the Engineering floor was not required to whare masks just the workers. Everyone of the engineers are literally in the same room. Hundreds of them in their cubicles. But the mighty cubical prevents viruses from moving between cubicles. I did not know this. I figured this out when we absolutely needed Engineering to deal with an issue. They showed up and could not keep their face masks on. They were acting like they never used one. Later that day I had to go to Engineering to see their fix. Lo and behold, no one was waring masks. I asked what was up. Sheepishly they said their cubical were considered ( isolated ) so they never had to whare them.
This was their mistake. For me it signaled that they NEEDED you to take the shot. NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING IS FREE. This was my signal to nope right out. At work they were giving 40hrs one whole week of vacation time to anyone that got the shot. They also allowed the peasants to remove their face diapers. They restricted movement between buildings. For a year and a half we we forbidden from going physically to Engineering??? Guess what the Engineering floor was not required to whare masks just the workers. Everyone of the engineers are literally in the same room. Hundreds of them in their cubicles. But the mighty cubical prevents viruses from moving between cubicles. I did not know this. I figured this out when we absolutely needed Engineering to deal with an issue. They showed up and could not keep their face masks on. They were acting like they never used one. Later that day I had to go to Engineering to see their fix. Lo and behold, no one was waring masks. I asked what was up. Sheepishly they said their cubical were considered ( isolated ) so they never had to whare them.