Player collapse during Bill's and Bengals
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Pretty sure he passed.
NFL players get screened up the ass because of the money involved.
I would bet 1000 that this is vax related. They would have seen abnormalities upon medical examination. This is happening.
Go watch some soccer players falling over on their fields of play and it looks eerily similar to what Damar did. Walking one second and then falling over the next, not to get up. I'm wondering if he got the jabb. If so, then the young are suffering from its ill effects, just like the elderly have been.
Not to be morbid, but this might wake up a bunch of non-believing jabb enthusiests who think the jabb is harmless. Once their eyes have been opened, maybe they will think about how their government has fostered death upon the general population through a vaccine which was never fully tested.
The Bills required the shot