I was at a high school game when an elderly gentleman fell over (presumably dead). They performed CPR for about 10 minutes until an ambulance arrived. They continued CPR until he was loaded into the ambulance and driven to the local hospital. The guy was dead the entire time, the CPR was pretty much for show to keep the crowd calm. I do hope the NFL player is OK, but I'm willing to bet he was dead on the field. 😞
I knew a guy who went hunting with his friend and his friend collapsed while they were in the woods. He performed CPR for three hours until an air ambulance arrived. Legal obligation and the fact it was his friend made him go that far.
Any normal person would be dead tired after 30 minutes though.
They don't postpone games because someone is injured. The guy is dead.
I was at a high school game when an elderly gentleman fell over (presumably dead). They performed CPR for about 10 minutes until an ambulance arrived. They continued CPR until he was loaded into the ambulance and driven to the local hospital. The guy was dead the entire time, the CPR was pretty much for show to keep the crowd calm. I do hope the NFL player is OK, but I'm willing to bet he was dead on the field. 😞
TMYK: Once you start CPR you are obligated to continue until exhaustion or a medical doctor says stop.
I knew a guy who went hunting with his friend and his friend collapsed while they were in the woods. He performed CPR for three hours until an air ambulance arrived. Legal obligation and the fact it was his friend made him go that far.
Any normal person would be dead tired after 30 minutes though.