Russia’s Way of War Baffles the West | The Greanville Post
It is not Russia that is "wasting men and equipment", it is the Ukraine, because no matter what the Ukraine does, it is unable to change the outcome of the current conflict. At this point it will surrender unconditionally or be utterly defeated. Adding wea...
Clown World thinks they can throw their weight around and eventually get what they want. That tactic has been working pretty well against the US citizenry, so Clown World thinks they've got the process all figured out. The difference is that Clown World really doesn't have any means to control Russia, and Russia isn't playing Clown World's game, which is likely why the West is baffled.
...your cerebellum is functioning on a high level....
My bias: the Russians are, by nature, profound realists. It maybe comes from the necessity of living in a harsh and unforgiving climate. The Deep State are, by nature, profoundly psychotic...which means they rely on a fantasy vision of the world to validate their predilections. Collision between these two outlooks creates cognitive dissonance in the Deep State actors and managers. Reality refuses to submit to their control. It is like a wizard discovering his magic spells no longer work.
,,,excellent addendum...
There's that word again, baffled.
Experts, scientists, military analysts all baffled these days.
I have to assume at this point, being baffled by the obvious needs to be added as a side effect of the covid vaccine. (sarc)