And Big Mikes Husband.
Actually you would change it to 99, then they don't take any income tax out. I did it once during a paid company relocation, I don't recall the reason at the time, something to do with company matching expenses.
Big balls should change his name to "Leroy Jenkins" and get rehired.
Or "the castle of Aaargh"
Just glad the scroll didn't translate to "Drink your Ovaltine"
They're outrage at Trump and his cabinet is directly proportional to the amount of money they are grifting off the government.
Looks like a missile or meteor to me.
Where do I sign? Maybe the second times the charm. I would have preferred Larry Elder.
About time to dump NATO, they can support Nazis and sabotage pipelines on someone else's dime.
Someone needs to do a mashup of all the Dems and add the brought to you by Pfizer clip. They are all so tedious.
Washington Post - "Brought to you by Pfizer"
You must have at least Sponge Bob ratings to ride this ride. 😄
Should put a port a potty outside Pelosi's office when they visit.
I wouldn't close my eyes either with all the Brutus' in the crowd.
Audit every NGO that Biden admin gave money to.
It's a man, man.
Don't forget the 3 out of 4 dentists.
Was my guess too, her plugs for male pattern baldness didn't take.
Gotta inspect them for Quagga mussels would be my guess. Can't put anything near the water in CA without your Quagga stamp.
Let's apply some liberal logic to the situation, "If it saves just one life, ban all DEI hires".
Trump to Obama- "Looks like Michelle couldn't get out of her ball waxing appointment"
No, just what the house has, I'm on spring water, so not fluoridating my backside.
I already had an outlet by the toilet. I bought just the seat one, was around 500, Toto washer sw3036r, because I wanted the unlimited on demand hot water and heated seat. Super easy install and having a warm butt on a cold morning, priceless. Does take a couple of weeks to get used to it and trust that it did the job if you know what I mean. So far, about a month in, glad I made the change.
Anyone check to see if there are lithium deposits under Santa Monica?
I wonder if US"AIDS" money goes to libtard influencers or if they are really that gullible\stupid.