77 Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump While Holding Secret Calls with China - Then Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 2 years ago by penisse 2 years ago by penisse +77 / -0 TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump - Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials - Then Surrendered to Tal... Mark Milley According to the book “Peril” written by Bob Woodward, General Mark Milley, the Joint Chiefs chairman, told China in a secret phone call that he would give advance warning if the US was ever going to attack. “In a pair of secret phone calls (Oc... 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Isn't this High Treason???
-Yes. Yes it fucking is.. Hang 'em