I was going to say the same thing on a earlier post.
After 5 minutes of CPR chances are your brain has suffered from a lack of oxygen. Hypoxic brain injury.
When it happens at birth it is called HIE, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
He may still be alive, in critical condition but he is on a ventilator, pupils are fixed and dilated, agonal respirations and unresponsive.
Someone posted yesterday that we should all learn CPR and how to use a AED. I was sceptic and said I didn't think it would help anyone falling out from the clotshot. CPR will not move blood around the body if you have a big clot plugging up your pulmonary artery.
I know very little, but 40 years ago a sweet, good-looking, physically-fit friend was hurt in a mill accident. His wife was told to pull the machines after several weeks with little to no brain activity. She did not. He lived. He recovered enough to walk and talk. He played with his children and later his grandchildren. His life was not perfect. His miracle made people around here not just believe in pulling the plug even in hopeless situstions.
I pray for this young man. May he be a miracle.
So, here's the thing. It's not about getting anything through the pulmonary artery. It's about keeping the blood moving through the brain. That's it. That's all that's required to keep someone alive. My FIL had what they call a widowmaker heart attack. That's a complete blockage of the LAD (left anterior descending artery- the biggest artery in the heart). The paramedics got to him within around 4 minutes. They did CPR for 8 minutes after that. Had his heartbeat back in the ambulance. He spent 51 days in the ICU (this was after three MRNA jabs, by the way), on a ventilator- and not only lived, but his brain is completely in tact. He has memory loss from the morning of thee heart attack, and he's using a cane to walk now (but when he first woke up there was such deterioration of muscle mass he couldn't even lift a fork). That was in July. He's well on his way to being back to his pre-heart attack self at this point. So- I would definitely say that we should all learn CPR. Definitely learn the right way to give chest compressions. With all of the death happening these days, it really could help you save someone's life.
You don't understand the route of blood through the heart and lungs. Complete blockage of a coronary artery only effects blood flow to a portion on the heart muscle. Blockage of the pulmonary artery stops blood flow from the heart to the lungs. Do you understand that? There is NO blood moving from the heart to the lungs. Blood flow has become impeded, and it does not matter how much you push on the chest. If blood flow from the heart to the lungs is blocked, there is no blood going to the brain. DEADSTOP and you are dead.
Yes, if someone has a heart attack CPR can save them. With these vax deaths, clots are plugging up the artery going to the lungs and blood flow ceases. If you stop blood flow going to the lungs, there is not blood returning to the left ventricla and there is no blood going to the brain(or anywhere else)
Here is a diagram, look at the big blue artery in the middle of the screen. It carries blood to the lungs, then pulmonary veins return blood back to the left atria and drops in the left ventricle. The left ventricle pushes blood up the aorta that branches off to feed your brain. If blood is stopped at the big blue artery, where are you getting blood to feed the brain?
Sorry, you're just wrong. I was an EMT for 10 years. If there's a blockage, and you're doing chest compressions correctly, the compressions will push it through. Again, the only thing that matters is keeping bloodflow to the brain.
"The most important treatment for people that suddenly collapse due to a blood clot in the lungs is to start CPR right away. If you are CPR certified or know how to do CPR, you should start it as soon as possible, and have someone call 911. If you can find someone nearby who can perform CPR, you should tell that person to start CPR and then call 911 yourself."
First off, I am not advising anyone not to try. If I was dumb enough to get vaxxed up and dropped dead on the street, I would want someone to at least try to save me, even if it would be in vain.
I was the coordinator of a Cardiovascular Surgical Intensive Care Unit for 15 years, for the last 17 years I have been doing ECMO on babies who have been surgically repaired that were born with congenital cardiac anomalies. I know several different perfusion routes for blood based on the type of cardiac anomaly you were born with.
As far as blood clots, if you are talking about pulmonary emboli cause by a blood clot from a deep vein thrombosis and depending on how large it is, yes I would agree. For your typical blood clot, CPR may move the clot around, the clot may start to break down and return blood flow. Maybe it was a small clot and only occluded one lung, there are lots of variables.
But we are talking about 2 different situations. The typical blood clot is comprised of mixture of platelets, red blood cells and fibrin. The clots from vaccinated people are different. They are white in color and I suspect they are made up entirely of fibrin. Fibrin is the sticky part that binds your typical blood clot together. The clots from vax injected victims are very large, have you seen the photos?
You say, keep pushing and push the clot through? As blood travels to the lung, the blood vessels get smaller and smaller, lining up your red blood cells into a single file line so they can be oxygenated. They get oxygenated at the AC membrane. (Alveolar/capillary) At this depth of the lung the capillaries are microscopic. How do you push a clot that could be a couple feet long through a microscopic vessel? You don't.
You ducking idiots arguing about giving CPR… how about if you see someone collapse to the ground you be a decent human and provide CPR even if it doesn’t save them. There, debate over.
Nobody was arguing, we were having a conversation. Also, nobody suggested withholding CPR from anyone. The conversation centered around the effectiveness of CPR to save someone who fell out from a clot shot. All the good Samaritan qualities becomes an exercise in futility.
To suggest we are not decent humans is kinda harsh.
I was going to say the same thing on a earlier post.
After 5 minutes of CPR chances are your brain has suffered from a lack of oxygen. Hypoxic brain injury.
When it happens at birth it is called HIE, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
He may still be alive, in critical condition but he is on a ventilator, pupils are fixed and dilated, agonal respirations and unresponsive.
Someone posted yesterday that we should all learn CPR and how to use a AED. I was sceptic and said I didn't think it would help anyone falling out from the clotshot. CPR will not move blood around the body if you have a big clot plugging up your pulmonary artery.
I know very little, but 40 years ago a sweet, good-looking, physically-fit friend was hurt in a mill accident. His wife was told to pull the machines after several weeks with little to no brain activity. She did not. He lived. He recovered enough to walk and talk. He played with his children and later his grandchildren. His life was not perfect. His miracle made people around here not just believe in pulling the plug even in hopeless situstions. I pray for this young man. May he be a miracle.
So, here's the thing. It's not about getting anything through the pulmonary artery. It's about keeping the blood moving through the brain. That's it. That's all that's required to keep someone alive. My FIL had what they call a widowmaker heart attack. That's a complete blockage of the LAD (left anterior descending artery- the biggest artery in the heart). The paramedics got to him within around 4 minutes. They did CPR for 8 minutes after that. Had his heartbeat back in the ambulance. He spent 51 days in the ICU (this was after three MRNA jabs, by the way), on a ventilator- and not only lived, but his brain is completely in tact. He has memory loss from the morning of thee heart attack, and he's using a cane to walk now (but when he first woke up there was such deterioration of muscle mass he couldn't even lift a fork). That was in July. He's well on his way to being back to his pre-heart attack self at this point. So- I would definitely say that we should all learn CPR. Definitely learn the right way to give chest compressions. With all of the death happening these days, it really could help you save someone's life.
You don't understand the route of blood through the heart and lungs. Complete blockage of a coronary artery only effects blood flow to a portion on the heart muscle. Blockage of the pulmonary artery stops blood flow from the heart to the lungs. Do you understand that? There is NO blood moving from the heart to the lungs. Blood flow has become impeded, and it does not matter how much you push on the chest. If blood flow from the heart to the lungs is blocked, there is no blood going to the brain. DEADSTOP and you are dead.
Yes, if someone has a heart attack CPR can save them. With these vax deaths, clots are plugging up the artery going to the lungs and blood flow ceases. If you stop blood flow going to the lungs, there is not blood returning to the left ventricla and there is no blood going to the brain(or anywhere else)
Yes agreed these peoples veins and arteries are clogged up with that fibrous junk the shot is causing. The morticians know
Here is a diagram, look at the big blue artery in the middle of the screen. It carries blood to the lungs, then pulmonary veins return blood back to the left atria and drops in the left ventricle. The left ventricle pushes blood up the aorta that branches off to feed your brain. If blood is stopped at the big blue artery, where are you getting blood to feed the brain? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/02/b0/9c02b084ce9a75fee1be678b447c02f0.jpg
Sorry, you're just wrong. I was an EMT for 10 years. If there's a blockage, and you're doing chest compressions correctly, the compressions will push it through. Again, the only thing that matters is keeping bloodflow to the brain.
"The most important treatment for people that suddenly collapse due to a blood clot in the lungs is to start CPR right away. If you are CPR certified or know how to do CPR, you should start it as soon as possible, and have someone call 911. If you can find someone nearby who can perform CPR, you should tell that person to start CPR and then call 911 yourself."
Are you telling me to trust the science? LOL
First off, I am not advising anyone not to try. If I was dumb enough to get vaxxed up and dropped dead on the street, I would want someone to at least try to save me, even if it would be in vain.
I was the coordinator of a Cardiovascular Surgical Intensive Care Unit for 15 years, for the last 17 years I have been doing ECMO on babies who have been surgically repaired that were born with congenital cardiac anomalies. I know several different perfusion routes for blood based on the type of cardiac anomaly you were born with.
As far as blood clots, if you are talking about pulmonary emboli cause by a blood clot from a deep vein thrombosis and depending on how large it is, yes I would agree. For your typical blood clot, CPR may move the clot around, the clot may start to break down and return blood flow. Maybe it was a small clot and only occluded one lung, there are lots of variables.
But we are talking about 2 different situations. The typical blood clot is comprised of mixture of platelets, red blood cells and fibrin. The clots from vaccinated people are different. They are white in color and I suspect they are made up entirely of fibrin. Fibrin is the sticky part that binds your typical blood clot together. The clots from vax injected victims are very large, have you seen the photos?
You say, keep pushing and push the clot through? As blood travels to the lung, the blood vessels get smaller and smaller, lining up your red blood cells into a single file line so they can be oxygenated. They get oxygenated at the AC membrane. (Alveolar/capillary) At this depth of the lung the capillaries are microscopic. How do you push a clot that could be a couple feet long through a microscopic vessel? You don't.
You ducking idiots arguing about giving CPR… how about if you see someone collapse to the ground you be a decent human and provide CPR even if it doesn’t save them. There, debate over.
Nobody was arguing, we were having a conversation. Also, nobody suggested withholding CPR from anyone. The conversation centered around the effectiveness of CPR to save someone who fell out from a clot shot. All the good Samaritan qualities becomes an exercise in futility.
To suggest we are not decent humans is kinda harsh.
And they gave him 9+ mins CPR ....
Not looking good.