posted ago by dominickmilford ago by dominickmilford +209 / -0

Going over some of what we have been hearing and seeing from MSM and Congress as this fight over House Speaker McCarthy has played out.

Matt Gaetz in particular had an amazing line: You can't drain the swamp by putting the biggest alligator in charge!

That one should live on long after this.

But others have given brilliant assessments too:

Chip Roy summed it up so well.

Speaking with some Faux News jerks like John Roberts (who should be MORE famous for his fight in the White House Press Room with Kayleigh McEnany where he INSISTED she answer a ridiculous white supremacy attack smear about Trump, then went absolutely Maudlin when she tried to remind him its been settled many times before) who could barely veil their loathing towards him. Why so angry??

Check out MTG on War Room. Heated, wouldn't you say? And her points about why are pretty weak tbh. It dosen't take long for her to start personally attacking the Congress members putting up resistance. Insulting their voting record and implying that McCarthy's camp made TRUE concessions. Not very believable. It kind of sounds like she's just BUTTHURT that she wasn't requested to be in ANY COMMITTEES!

MTG is a good fighter but she isn't exactly a brainchild. It has become pretty clear from this latest saga that someone on the wrong side has got her ear and is winding her up pitting her against her own Caucus. It has been WAY too easy for them to do that to her. This is going to end up a bad mark against her, to the voters and to our leadership.

NEWT and Hannity really let the Freedom folks have it the other night! Notice the language: "insurgent" "hostage" "terrorist demands" Its VERY funny how quickly some of these REPUBLICAN ALLIES of ours in Washington have turned to DEMOCRAT TACTICS with this kind of fear mongering and over the top embellishments in their rhetoric, no? Maybe its because such things are UNIPARTY MOVES NOT DEMOCRAT ONES ONLY. Caught 'em!

Lauren Boebert has been surprisingly strong as a proponent! Not all of us knew she had it in her.

Of particular interest, listen in at around 5:00-6:00. It's been mentioned elsewhere that Boebert drew her hard line on the "Motion to Vacate." 5 members together can put this up against the Speaker and call a vote to remove them. Its one of those often threatened but never used tools - as she says, accountability and a check on power.

IMPORTANTLY: Nancy Pelosi was the FIRST House Speaker to DO AWAY WITH THIS VITAL TOOL. For almost 200 years before that it was ALWAYS there. All the Freedom Caucus is asking for is to RETURN to normal procedure by re-instituting the Rule.

Now! Let's listen to that PIRATE TRAITOR and his Faux News buddies: Crenshaw 'Nobody knows who Bob Good is'

Wow, really worried about your camera time and who is the likely prom queen this year Danny Boy!? Don't worry: your ridiculous eye patch and decorated service to the 🤡 will make sure old guys drinking a beer sitting on a cooler in parking lots across Americs still think you're great. Wuss.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: Listen to how the Mockingbirds chirp! They called the Motion to Vacate 'a controversial rule' ... yes, very controversial, its only been there for 200 years until Pelosi removed it! Are we calling her moves rational now?! Boebert already told you in the prior clip that McCarthy only caved on it at the LAST MINUTE and the aide announced it. Faux makes it sound as though he genially abided them and was willing all along to reinstitute the rule, as though he'd ever be comfortable potentially abdicating his long coveted THRONE.

The Fauxers continued: The worst crisis GOP has faced in DECADES! OH NOOOO! Commence the wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Reality check: This happened in the RECENT PAST! Remember that guy Paul Ryan and how he got the job? They definitely SHOULD know at Faux - I mean Paul Ryan WORKS THERE after all! Kind of funny how they forgot about this same exact thing happening during our last Republican majority. This one is a MAJOR CRISIS though!

Mike Davis gave a nice breakdown of the case and recalled when Newt lost his ass in 98.

So lets not PRETEND this is some unprecedented thing. Actually this is completely NECESSARY to keep our country from going over the cliff. We NEED to move the Uniparty fucks in the GOP further to the right and Populism with a move like this to RESPOND APPROPRIATELY to the Dems going radical in their majority's tenure. If they won't play ball then they GET THE FUCK OUT and so this chess move against McCarthy is VERY NEEDED PUSHBACK against the numerous traitors who like him, have no guiding principles beyond lining their pockets and serving the Uniparty Overlords. Ask yourself: How is that BETTER than Biden?

Bannon may have had the wisest words of all about everything. "A revolution is not a dinner party" Indeed sir.

Look: if we want change we have to have serious people with integrity at the levers of power. Biden and McCarthy are TWO of a kind - their desire to make themselves personally wealthy and remain endlessly in power by any means necessary are the only guiding political principles they have. Endless compromises and smiley gladhand handshakes are what caused our country to be sold thru NAFTA and TPP and our political class to become nothing more than Company Advertisements on the side of a NASCAR vehicle. Bought and paid for.

We can't do it all in a day. We can't just take all the money out of politics and put handcuffs on all the corrupt actors in the swamp. We can't undo the damage they've done and retool in the Rules committee to return actual accountability to these elected offices which currently enjoy a ridiculous immunity that, when coupled with no morals or scruples in a person, end up like we've seen Washington behave for the last few decades.

This, however, is a start. I was impressed with the organization and planning that went into this and it shows the process CAN still work if the right people get together. This was airtight: no leak of the alliance made it out and the numbers were more favorable than ANYONE (especially McCarthy, whose lifelong dream was this job) would've anticipated.

Let this shakeup serve as the MODEL for how we get real changes in Washington, roll back the clock to a time of serious politics and fiscal fortitude, and take our damn country back.

