Why would Trump endorse a swamp creature? Why would he cause a civil war to break out in the GOP? Why does it seem like this shitshow is getting worse instead of better?
Because none of it fucking matters. It's theater for the normies. It's to soften the blow when the big reveal happens. It's all meant to misdirect confuse and give the media talking points. It's all... part of the plan.
No, you aren't required to like it. No, it's not required to actually make sense and no it's probably not over just yet. I do believe that legally Trump CAN assume office by the 20th and still run in 24. If that isn't the plan, then he fucked up by broadcasting his intent to go after Big Tech and the media IN TWO YEARS. How is he going to get back to the Presidency? I have no clue. Could be a Supreme Court ruling. Could be something that happens in Arizona, I really have no idea. All I know is that this Speaker thing is a distraction. From what? Who really cares at this point? I mean honestly, we know how bad things are and what needs to be done. We know it will eventually happen, praying for sooner rather than later. So don't read too much into this. Trump knows what he's doing. The Q-team know what they are doing. We all individually should know what we're doing. Stay safe and stay strong, frens... I'm tired too, but also grateful. These last two years have helped me embrace the idea of what it truly means to be a Sovereign Citizen. I don't care who is in office. I am ungovernable. And you all should be too.
Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Isaiah 2:2 NKJV
This is what is coming.
Rage it sister.