they arrest us for Q or Maga? I personally like "Im here because the Government is afraid of me". 🤣🤣🤣 Insta street cred. Lmao. THIS IS WHAT BEING UNGOVERNABLE LOOKS LIKE! I just make up shit to do to them no matter what they do to me. It makes me very happy and quite entertained.
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I know this is just a joke, but:
If you are arrested or taken to a police station, DO...
tell the police your name and basic identifying information. But nothing else.
say “I want to remain silent” and “I want to talk to a lawyer.” They should stop questioning you after that.
make sure you get your 3 phone calls within 3 hours of getting arrested or immediately after being booked. You can call a lawyer, bail bondsman, relative, or any other person. If you have children under 18, you get 2 additional calls to arrange childcare. Memorize phone numbers ahead of time.
assume the police are recording your calls (except the call with your lawyer).
If you are arrested or taken to a police station, DON’T...
give them any information except for your name and basic identifying information.
give explanations, excuses, or stories. Say “I want to remain silent” and “I want to talk to a lawyer.”
talk about your case on the phone. The police might be recording your phone calls (except those to your lawyer).
make any decisions in your case without talking to a lawyer.
discuss your citizenship or immigration status with anyone other than your lawyer
Awesome advice.