posted ago by DRan ago by DRan +58 / -0

I am aware Q was referring to AG Jeff Sessions, but it is notable that Q uses "Jeff Sessions" a few times, but often uses "trust Sessions" without specifying Jeff, although I believe it is inferred. However, multiple meanings exist right?

Whether this is a Qincident or not, it is relevant info on how/why this is moving forward.

Scott Sessions Harris

American lawyer serving since September 2013 as the 20th Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States. Prior to appointment to his current position, Harris spent 11 years as the Supreme Court's legal counsel.


(Wiki sucks but for simple facts, I'll use it, it's easy)

What does the clerk do?

Something similar to what federal court clerks do. Primarily, their role is to sift through the thousands of petitions and mark the cases worthy of being granted time. “It's the most basic task, and the constant thing that you do – during the summer it's practically your only task.” The petitions that lawyers write very cleverly argue why their cases should be granted; the clerk's job is “to screen out those that are legitimate and write bench memos on what we think about the case.”


Scott was previously SCOTUS legal council. What do they do?

The office's initial mission was to provide continuity of experience in the preliminary consideration of extraordinary motions. The lawyers who staffed the office would hopefully provide the Court with a quick and reliable institutional memory for details. The Legal Office is responsible for centralizing and stabilizing the Supreme Court's work by assisting in legal matters, preparing work for weekly conferences, recommending strategies for pending cases, helping justices with personal responses and circuit tasks, and taking on special projects required by the Chief Justice, special chambers, or the Court as a whole.


What is the point?

Scott helped the brothers get this before the court.

Here is the interview with Loy:

Loy Brunson and the Supreme Court Case of The Century.


0:17:17 Brunson first mentions Sessions ~ "The Clerk of the Court is the Gatekeeper."

0:56:45 Brunson~ … "I think the Clerk of the Court [Sessions] … is SMART. He gets it. He sees it. …

1:06:00 Brunson ~ "For 11-years, Scott SESSIONS Harris was the attorney for the Supreme Court."

1:11:00 Brunson ~ [Sessions] "is probable specially schooled, trained and licensed to be able to handle any kind of legal liability that the supreme count might incur" …