Nah. It really is pitiful how the RNC runs campaigns vs the Democrats. Harmeet would be an excellent chair. Her point is to start playing to win instead of profession losing. Why are Republicans not ballot harvesting in states that it is legal? Waiting until election day is not a sustainable strategy for our party. Look what they did in AZ, and even weather got in the way of Nevada. We have to bank votes and win. Quit tying one hand behind our back with a feckless RNC.
We can harvest all we want. What difference does it make when they throw them out, switch them, or adjudicate them? We just help them by giving them the time to do it if we follow that advice.
See, I think that's the attitude that keeps us losing in heavy Democrat areas. And really, you look at voting maps of the country, and we are a sea of conservative red, with these key blue strangle holds that flip entire states. We NEED to do a better job of entering these spaces. I'm no fan of ballot harvesting, but we might need to do that where it is legal. Of course, we would simultaneously need to fortify who is counting the votes by getting out our poll workers in place. We need to better utilize the parallel social media that is starting up too. There is so much we could be doing. Fundamentally, we as conservatives have BETTER IDEAS, better ways of running a country for FREE individuals... we've just let this faction of elitist, professional LOSERS take over the RNC to keep us at bay. it's time to change that. I hope Harmeet is that change. She's running against a swamp in its own right. The corruption is so profound.
If we could actually get a concrete theory of precisely how elections are fixed, it would be much easier to get on board with some type of counter-strategy. It is absolutely maddening that we only have some kind of general idea. The AZ audit should have provided us more specifics. It failed to do so.
We know they control voter rolls to insert phantom voters. We know that there is an absurd number of ballots that get sent to adjudication where the man power required to actually ascertain and assign the will of the voter is simply not there. We know that ballots end up "discarded." We know that they use ballot stuffing. And we know that weighted voting and vote flipping is utilized to further alter results.
In understanding these methods, it is clear to me that participating in the scheme that allows them to orchestrate these fixes will not solve the problem. Rather, in a best case scenario, we still have the same issues. A worst case scenario is that having most of our votes in early lets them more easily prepare to put the fix in.
What I mean is that Republicans "harvesting" votes has no effect on the discarding, altering, or ratio'ing of those votes. In abandoning a preference to overwhelmingly vote on election day, the actors in charge of rigging the elections have empirical data to determine the needed changes to pre-determine the outcome. Instead of taking a week or 10 days to "count" votes, they will tell us on election night we lost; even when we turn out higher than democrats do.
Getting real people in positions that run elections is obviously the only thing that can be done to have a meaningful impact in curbing fraud. Unless you count having real judges that give a shit about the rule of law as it relates to conducting elections. But we did that. And we got evidence from them for Kari Lake's lawsuit. She still lost...
The only thing that I believe will stop rampant fraud is the public accepting/believing that this shit is really happening. We have not reached critical mass. And it is difficult to battle an organized state propaganda media who slam dunk on us for lacking very specific data.
Lake is doing a good job on the PR front. Imagine if there was a Kari Lake in Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. The people would be paying very close attention to this issue.
not sure why you got downdooted. wasn't me! You have solid points. In the meantime, I am getting desperate enough while waiting on the rest of the world to wake tf up. I think the moment Republicans start harvesting where it's legal, and like I said coordinate the ground team to count, where it's legal, they will be massively successful. Think about right leaning churches, Trump rallies, etc. You could potentially wait until election day to deliver those ballots. That's when Democrats will shit their pants and scream to the rafters to end it. Hah, might be nice way to tip even their side to the idea that it is a way too murky way to handle a sacred vote. They only want it now because it benefits them. I like that Harmeet is describing new ideas like this.
Nah. It really is pitiful how the RNC runs campaigns vs the Democrats. Harmeet would be an excellent chair. Her point is to start playing to win instead of profession losing. Why are Republicans not ballot harvesting in states that it is legal? Waiting until election day is not a sustainable strategy for our party. Look what they did in AZ, and even weather got in the way of Nevada. We have to bank votes and win. Quit tying one hand behind our back with a feckless RNC.
We can harvest all we want. What difference does it make when they throw them out, switch them, or adjudicate them? We just help them by giving them the time to do it if we follow that advice.
See, I think that's the attitude that keeps us losing in heavy Democrat areas. And really, you look at voting maps of the country, and we are a sea of conservative red, with these key blue strangle holds that flip entire states. We NEED to do a better job of entering these spaces. I'm no fan of ballot harvesting, but we might need to do that where it is legal. Of course, we would simultaneously need to fortify who is counting the votes by getting out our poll workers in place. We need to better utilize the parallel social media that is starting up too. There is so much we could be doing. Fundamentally, we as conservatives have BETTER IDEAS, better ways of running a country for FREE individuals... we've just let this faction of elitist, professional LOSERS take over the RNC to keep us at bay. it's time to change that. I hope Harmeet is that change. She's running against a swamp in its own right. The corruption is so profound.
If we could actually get a concrete theory of precisely how elections are fixed, it would be much easier to get on board with some type of counter-strategy. It is absolutely maddening that we only have some kind of general idea. The AZ audit should have provided us more specifics. It failed to do so.
We know they control voter rolls to insert phantom voters. We know that there is an absurd number of ballots that get sent to adjudication where the man power required to actually ascertain and assign the will of the voter is simply not there. We know that ballots end up "discarded." We know that they use ballot stuffing. And we know that weighted voting and vote flipping is utilized to further alter results.
In understanding these methods, it is clear to me that participating in the scheme that allows them to orchestrate these fixes will not solve the problem. Rather, in a best case scenario, we still have the same issues. A worst case scenario is that having most of our votes in early lets them more easily prepare to put the fix in.
What I mean is that Republicans "harvesting" votes has no effect on the discarding, altering, or ratio'ing of those votes. In abandoning a preference to overwhelmingly vote on election day, the actors in charge of rigging the elections have empirical data to determine the needed changes to pre-determine the outcome. Instead of taking a week or 10 days to "count" votes, they will tell us on election night we lost; even when we turn out higher than democrats do.
Getting real people in positions that run elections is obviously the only thing that can be done to have a meaningful impact in curbing fraud. Unless you count having real judges that give a shit about the rule of law as it relates to conducting elections. But we did that. And we got evidence from them for Kari Lake's lawsuit. She still lost...
The only thing that I believe will stop rampant fraud is the public accepting/believing that this shit is really happening. We have not reached critical mass. And it is difficult to battle an organized state propaganda media who slam dunk on us for lacking very specific data.
Lake is doing a good job on the PR front. Imagine if there was a Kari Lake in Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. The people would be paying very close attention to this issue.
not sure why you got downdooted. wasn't me! You have solid points. In the meantime, I am getting desperate enough while waiting on the rest of the world to wake tf up. I think the moment Republicans start harvesting where it's legal, and like I said coordinate the ground team to count, where it's legal, they will be massively successful. Think about right leaning churches, Trump rallies, etc. You could potentially wait until election day to deliver those ballots. That's when Democrats will shit their pants and scream to the rafters to end it. Hah, might be nice way to tip even their side to the idea that it is a way too murky way to handle a sacred vote. They only want it now because it benefits them. I like that Harmeet is describing new ideas like this.