BACK IN THE OLD DAYS... I remember as a little girl, my mother and I were grocery shopping and we ran into my very professional and prudish 4th grade teacher who was also shopping. Back then, teachers wore modest dresses, low heels, minimal makeup and behaved in a very refined manner. But this time I caught her wearing tight capri pants, a low-cut top, a lot of makeup, while smoking a cigarette. I was aghast, I tell you! My teacher smoked! She wore something 'sexy' and walked completely different. A student should never see their teacher in that way! It was terribly awkward and I could never look at her the same after that. Some things should not be seen. Lol.
BACK IN THE OLD DAYS... I remember as a little girl, my mother and I were grocery shopping and we ran into my very professional and prudish 4th grade teacher who was also shopping. Back then, teachers wore modest dresses, low heels, minimal makeup and behaved in a very refined manner. But this time I caught her wearing tight capri pants, a low-cut top, a lot of makeup, while smoking a cigarette. I was aghast, I tell you! My teacher smoked! She wore something 'sexy' and walked completely different. A student should never see their teacher in that way! It was terribly awkward and I could never look at her the same after that. Some things should not be seen. Lol.
Smoking in the supermarket... that was back in the day.
Yes, way back.