So my son was just diagnosed. He'll get an MRI soon. He's had a couple bouts of delusion which resolved after a few days, or a few weeks, but have gotten worse. It's similar to watching a dementia patient lose their connection to reality, but accelerated and in a healthy-looking very fit young man. Or maybe like the Flowers for Algernon story. It's a horrible sad thing to see a wonderful young man lose his sanity and start babbling incoherently.
Anyway, I'm torn up inside about it. And dealing with it. I'm asking for help from anons that might know good treatments, from MMS/chlorine dioxide, ivermectin, gut-brain connections, old pre-Rockefeller treatments, that sort of stuff. He's not vaxxed, early 20's, has been high-functioning autistic (never treated with drugs like ritalin/oxycontin) ever since infancy (mmr vaccine?), and otherwise healthy although he's had a cough and stomach issues with his recent weeks of spiralling out of mental control. In a way the diagnosis is a good thing, just because I know what to ask about and possibly get a path forward.
And asking for prayers: I've already seeded the heavens with mine, but more is better. I will be offline for a bit and may not respond quickly, but I'll read all the comments and follow all leads. Thanks, all.
Just curious: do you know anyone who has used TRS? It certainly looks low risk so worth trying, but curious just the same. Thanks.
My friend, daughter, and I use it regularly. My son used it regularly as well but he’s moved so I can’t say for sure now. I personally believe the metals (in vax to start) are partially what’s caused the rise in autism. I feel a difference in my body when I slack. I take a multi vitamin, turmeric, a mineral dropped, and IVM once a month. I introduced them one at a time. I can’t say what works for others but this combo has me feeling emotionally and physically better than I have in years.
I went ahead and ordered it. The "only buy from a distributor" sounded sketchy, which is why I asked. It sounds too good to be true, but I don't mind trying. If it works, it's priceless. Thanks again.