There are currently 434 active Members of the House, 218 is a majority, if all members vote for someone by name.
If only 425 vote for a person by name and 9 do not vote at all or do not vote by name, meaning they vote present, 214 is a majority. That’s why the six remaining Republican holdouts continue to vote for someone by name, to not reduce the threshold.
The speaker is elected by a majority of members voting “for a person by name.”
There are currently 434 active Members of the House, 218 is a majority, if all members vote for someone by name.
If only 425 vote for a person by name and 9 do not vote at all or do not vote by name, meaning they vote present, 214 is a majority. That’s why the six remaining Republican holdouts continue to vote for someone by name, to not reduce the threshold.