Mcarthy is high!
How Embarrassing!
I have watched his body language, he is pissed. Not only is he angry but he keeps grabbing his nose and sniffing. I know an addict when I see one. I am one. Recovered by the grace of God! Mark the time, Mcarthy is about to loose another round. He is pissed off. And the cocaine is making in very apparent. Watching on Patel Patriots channel on Rumble.
While watching the replay on CSpan I saw this exchange between MTG and Boebert around the 26:00 mark (approximation of language): Boebert: Is she coming? MTG reaches out and touches her Boebert: Please leave. MTG: You need to stop. Boebert: No, you stop. Boebert looks very upset. MTG backs off and starts to talk to someone else, then she leaves.