Oops! Listen closely - You can hear her earpiece... picked up on the LiveStream.
Who is REALLY in charge here?? Who is feeding her lines at the podium??
🧠 These people are stupid!
Except that it wasn't the actual Parliamentarian, Jason Smith (who I previously misidentified). Moreover, that officer is there to provide ASSISTANCE when called on, not to literally feed exact lines to be repeated. There was one blatant example of when he told her to make a call on whether the Yeas or Nays had the voice vote for the adjournment motion, and after she didn't make a judgement, he tells her to say "the Yeas have it, the calls for the Yeas and Nays have been requested." SHE must make the judgement, not this random guy who is only there to be called upon for assistance and clarification.
The more damning evidence of scripting, are the countless times she literally read from a script. Not just notes of "this is what you say in these scenarios" but having exact information that was presented to us as being organic and naturally occurring, but was clearly preplanned.