I know a lot of people are frustrated, but this is a Q board and since Q no longer posts with any regularity, it seems some have given up on the plan. What if a few of our sager anons, autists and decoders led us through a Q review? We could literally start at the beginning and go through post by post. What do you say, would you be interested? I think it would help a lot of people re-focus and refresh.
Comments (6)
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That would be great. I'd expect that a lot more clues would now be visible with the advantage of hindsight.
Exactly! Imagine.
Someone already started doing this. Went on for weeks. Unfortunately, there were no volunteers for interpreting the posts.
Why not simply read the Q books by Praying Medic? They make a good start.
I do think something like this would be a good thing.
For instance, we thought SA = Saudi Arabia (and it still might) but with recent events in Brazil, what do any posts referencing "SA" look like if it actually means South America?
Yes, excellent point.
"Double meanings exist."
"Future proves past."
See the problem?