I have nothing against gay people.... Do what you want to do. Just don't fuck kids, or push your agenda on me. And Also, I'm one of those people that Say;
"Show me a Gay DUDE (key word is "dude", because Big difference between men and women being attracted to the same sex. 99% of women are Bi...) that WASN'T*** abused/molested/groomed as a child, and I'll show you someone who is in denial, or lying."
That being said, James Corden is a faggot, But It's weird that he still has a beard...(A wife...Yes he's married to a woman.) because why? He's obviously a flamming faggot... which his industry loves. So its just weird.
That's all. Carry on.
EDIT: And just because he's into musicals and shit doesn't make him a faggot. I mean, I've seen a handful of musicals that I actually enjoyed, and I can always appreciate the talent.... and I'm not a faggot.
Nor Is it his shitty accent.... Sorry british "frens" but your accent makes you all sound like faggots.
It's everything else about him that makes him a faggot.
EDIT: And i'm also not saying that every boy who was molested as a kid grows up to be a faggot...Trust me. But growing up to be faggot is most certainly 99% due to nurture vs nature. I'd say 100% but I'm sure there's at least one gay person on earth that had a perfect childhood.
99% of women are Bi.. Left to our sin nature all of us would partake in anything that brings carnal pleasure. But we are suppose to be guided by a moral impulse that is beyond out animal/fleshly nature.
We, men are all murders, rapist, the worst sort of creatures, but most of us don't murder, don't rape, don't abuse others because we obey a since of right and wrong imbued in us from our creator.
Ehh... I don't think it's a sin for chicks to find other chicks attractive/be attracted to other chicks. And that's all I meant by Bi.... I don't mean they''re all willing to fuck other chicks...
Where as Straight dudes can see how another dude is "attractive"... But they aren't attracted to the dude... You know what I mean? Of course not... I'm explaining it like a retard.
When I hear the term "stupid faggot" James Corden's face always comes to my mind.
I have nothing against gay people.... Do what you want to do. Just don't fuck kids, or push your agenda on me. And Also, I'm one of those people that Say;
"Show me a Gay DUDE (key word is "dude", because Big difference between men and women being attracted to the same sex. 99% of women are Bi...) that WASN'T*** abused/molested/groomed as a child, and I'll show you someone who is in denial, or lying."
That being said, James Corden is a faggot, But It's weird that he still has a beard...(A wife...Yes he's married to a woman.) because why? He's obviously a flamming faggot... which his industry loves. So its just weird.
That's all. Carry on.
EDIT: And just because he's into musicals and shit doesn't make him a faggot. I mean, I've seen a handful of musicals that I actually enjoyed, and I can always appreciate the talent.... and I'm not a faggot.
Nor Is it his shitty accent.... Sorry british "frens" but your accent makes you all sound like faggots.
It's everything else about him that makes him a faggot.
EDIT: And i'm also not saying that every boy who was molested as a kid grows up to be a faggot...Trust me. But growing up to be faggot is most certainly 99% due to nurture vs nature. I'd say 100% but I'm sure there's at least one gay person on earth that had a perfect childhood.
99% of women are Bi.. Left to our sin nature all of us would partake in anything that brings carnal pleasure. But we are suppose to be guided by a moral impulse that is beyond out animal/fleshly nature.
We, men are all murders, rapist, the worst sort of creatures, but most of us don't murder, don't rape, don't abuse others because we obey a since of right and wrong imbued in us from our creator.
Ehh... I don't think it's a sin for chicks to find other chicks attractive/be attracted to other chicks. And that's all I meant by Bi.... I don't mean they''re all willing to fuck other chicks...
Where as Straight dudes can see how another dude is "attractive"... But they aren't attracted to the dude... You know what I mean? Of course not... I'm explaining it like a retard.
But I know what you mean.