72 One of the telegram channels was showing a clip of Brazilians outside the Capitol and a banner popped up that said “we need source code” Does anybody know what that means? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Gilet_Jaune 2 years ago by Gilet_Jaune +72 / -0 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How bloated/obfuscated it got to be to have 10+ mil lines of code...
C'mon. They have to add 1 to a total, and get a new total, lots of times.
The code for counting elections should be as simple as looping over an array (positions) and accepting an input for each (vote). Send it to a db and aggregate there.
Integration with hardware, now that shit requires a bunch of (lower level) code.