405 BREAKING: Republican who threatened McCarthy opponents and lunged at Gaetz SUDDENLY steps down from powerful Steering Committee (therightscoop.com) CONTROLLED posted 2 years ago by Taffy333 2 years ago by Taffy333 +405 / -0 BREAKING: Republican who threatened McCarthy opponents and lunged at Gaetz SUDDENLY steps down from powerful Steering Committee Last week we heard about a Republican who threatened McCarthy opponents behind closed doors at a conference meeting. The threat was from Rep. Mike Rogers and it had to do with him promising to bloc… 53 comments share 53 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'ma need my memory refreshed also. What happens if you nude up and hurl a pot plant at your boss during the Christmas party?
Well, the plant is pretty much dead - but depending on how well you nude up; your career may take a positive turn.