Operation: "ALL TEAM HEART" 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +33 / -1


I'm a suspicious and paranoid motherfucker at this stage in the game. You tell me someone died, I don't believe they died when you say they did. That goes for the Queen, Pope Rat-singer, and now even Diamond...

How many times has Trump said "Return the Diamonds" in reference to the US Supreme Court righting the outcome of the seElection?

And now Trump breaks the news of Diamond's passing on the cusp of the Brunson case falling through?

Color me a shade of shiny tin...

Furthermore, he capitalizes the words ALL, TEAM, and HEART.


Which tells me operation "Return the Diamonds" aka "Let's do things by the book" is a wash...

And we're now on to operational phase "ALL TEAM HEART."

Wanna posit any guesses as to what that may entail?

I suppose a contingency plan wouldn't be very good if it was an easy guess, though, right?

Anyways, Diamond probably is dead but who knows, maybe she and her sister agreed to have a clandestine operation named in her honor as the temporal marker for activation? She sure'd go down in history for that, assuming we'd ever get to know about it.

Aw, well. Let's see what happens.