It is actually very common to use those three fingers when indicating the number three. To my understanding it is also the official way to count in ASL ( American Sign Language). So there is absolutely nothing odd about this whatsoever.
Yes, it was very intentional - to indicate the number three as in three million dollars.
It is most certainly not normal to say the number 1 and hold up your index finger. Then say the number 2, and add your middle finger. Then when you say the number 3, you put your index finger down, and raise your pinkie and ring finger to join the middle finger. Now, had he not raised his index and middle finger, then maybe. But not the way it happened.
If you try it out with your own hand, you will find it awkward to indicate a number three otherwise. For example, if you try to force the pinky down and show three with index, middle and ring finger, the ring finger won't extend, because the pinky is down. So, it is easier to do it like Jim is doing. It would look pretty weird to use the thumb in this equation also.
Sometimes you people on here really make me wonder. I usually just let it slide and don’t comment when you go overboard looking for ‘signs’.
“Not one, (one finger) not two (two fingers) but three million dollars . . . (three fingers)”
This is not a secret sign.
It is weird that he did not use his index finger, like a normal person.
It is actually very common to use those three fingers when indicating the number three. To my understanding it is also the official way to count in ASL ( American Sign Language). So there is absolutely nothing odd about this whatsoever.
Yes, it was very intentional - to indicate the number three as in three million dollars.
It is most certainly not normal to say the number 1 and hold up your index finger. Then say the number 2, and add your middle finger. Then when you say the number 3, you put your index finger down, and raise your pinkie and ring finger to join the middle finger. Now, had he not raised his index and middle finger, then maybe. But not the way it happened.
If you try it out with your own hand, you will find it awkward to indicate a number three otherwise. For example, if you try to force the pinky down and show three with index, middle and ring finger, the ring finger won't extend, because the pinky is down. So, it is easier to do it like Jim is doing. It would look pretty weird to use the thumb in this equation also.