NPCs are created and maintained by keying off of their laziness. They don't want to fight, just accept their slavery. Doomers are about the same, it's easier to give in.
🧠 These people are stupid!

Those people that voted against Trump include a lot of the people that want the free handouts like welfare, UBI, etc and democrats promise free money and those people fall for the lie each and every time. One problem is a lot of people that are allowed to vote truly have no business being allowed to vote. Some people vote based on what lies they're told. Some people vote based on emotions. People should be voting based on what they believe the politician will do for them but we all know that voting is largely done for show as a lot of voting results are fraudulent anyways and likely have been for a long time.
I understand the free gibs crowd - but they aren't doing too great either. Barely just enough to get by. Is that their American Dream?
They are gullible though, gullible enough to repeated fall for the lies politicians tell them. It goes back to an old saying "you can't fix stupid" so I guess it is what it is.
You'd think after decades of squalor it would knock them upside their clinker.
Some people just never learn though. There are some people legitimately on disability that would prefer to be able to work but can't but then there are people abusing the system that are able to work. Then we have those that simply don't want to work and will vote for whichever politician promises them free things. There are around 70 million people I believe, that draw some form of social security so it's just unrealistic for social security to be able to determine who is abusing it and who is actually in need of it. You see all of the leftist insanity though so you know some of them aren't playing with a full deck and will blindly vote for who they are told will give them things.