holy shit that was painful to listen to - havent purposefully watched much from him in terms of clips but he cant even read through a prepared statement without stumbling at least five times.
Yep, can't even get one video where people can say "look, he's perfectly capable of basic reading skills, he only has gaffes sometimes". It's so incessant that it's actually hard to find clips of him not fucking up.
Whoever these morons are that insist Biden is perfectly fine, they must not watch him very often lol.
holy shit that was painful to listen to - havent purposefully watched much from him in terms of clips but he cant even read through a prepared statement without stumbling at least five times.
Yep, can't even get one video where people can say "look, he's perfectly capable of basic reading skills, he only has gaffes sometimes". It's so incessant that it's actually hard to find clips of him not fucking up.
Whoever these morons are that insist Biden is perfectly fine, they must not watch him very often lol.